While the digital marketing space was one that was always ever-changing and required constant tweaks and innovations, the events of the past two years have drastically shifted the landscape. Some industries, like food and grocery, made quick pivots to digital as more shoppers demanded curbside pickup and delivery options. Tech and entertainment companies who already had strong online presences were able to extend their reach and grow it to an even larger size due to the people’s increasing time spent online.

Here are some digital marketing trends to keep in mind and consider implementing for your business.

Video Marketing: 92% of marketers state that using video content is an active part of their campaign strategies. Video help persuade customers in a way that still photos and text cannot. Many companies find that they have higher engagement rates with video marketing as well.

AI-Chat Boxes: AI-Chat boxes allow companies to have 24/7 customer service for common issues even if their offices are not open 24/7. These bots, which are now able to understand complete sentences, can help point customers in the right direction or help them with simple tasks.

Artificial Reality: AR allows customers to see products without having to actually leave their home. These sorts of solutions provide safety, and more importance to the long-term strategy of companies wanting to utilize this technology, convenience.

Interactive Content: Marketers are finding new ways to keep consumers interested through interactive content. Online quizzes, asking this or that questions, allow consumers to feel connected and engaged with your content.

Social Messaging Trends: While some social media platforms are perfect places for users to chat with their friends and family, other platforms such as are now being utilized for networking purposes by business owners. In 2021, marketers will likely be using these social messaging platforms to help reach their target audience as well as network with other brands at the same time. SetSchedule Communities is set to add features where businesses professionals and brands can not only chat, but network and collaborate on projects together.

Programmatic Advertising: A method of eliminating the guessing game of ad placements, marketers will now be able to buy an advertisement in real-time situations, placing ads in desirable places while their target audience is present.

Artificial Intelligence Growth: Generally speaking, artificial intelligence growth will continue to grow not only in 2021, but for years to come. Marketers are discovering new technologies to better handle customer service along with using AI to obtain in-depth information quickly. Whether it is for gathering consumer data, tracking sales and user patterns, freeing up time for employees by removing repetitive tasks or looking to implement improved email marketing trends; artificial intelligence (sometimes referred to as machine learning) is the wave of the future.


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