ReSET Blog
Blog · May 09, 2016 · AUTHOR: Udi Dorner

Parents! These are a Few of the Best Places in America to raise Children

Parent blog SetScheduleLet’s face it, parenting is hard! Anyone that has sat in a restaurant and overheard a parent trying to calm a child screaming at the next table can attest to this fact! Even more difficult than coping with the immediate challenges of parenting, is in trying to raise kids in a safe environment where the child will be able to get ahead. Home buyers in today’s market want to buy homes in places today want to do so in an area that makes them feel safe. It also needs to have a good economic climate and the ability to have a variety of jobs. These areas needs to have a lot of good schools and universities. The ideal area has parks and play grounds in the same neighborhood. There should also be good restaurants that have meals that all family members can enjoy. The ideal places to live also offer opportunities to work from home to create a higher level of parental visibility and accessibility between parents and children. According to researchers, there are four strong housing markets that parents of children under 18 tend produce the best outcomes for families.  The states where these housing markets produce the best results for parents and children include: Utah, Texas, Georgia, and California. Utah. This is one of the better areas for parents with kids who want to be able to have a house and not have to make a lot of payments on a house. A lot of the houses in the state of Utah have a price of under 100K, and this makes it easier for families who don’t have a lot of income to be able to purchase a home if they want to. It also has the largest numbers of families.  Duchesne County in Utah is near the top in terms of best outcomes for parents and children. Texas. The counties in this state have an economic climate that is able to support the upcoming generation and the ability to work in a job that will be able to meet the demands and the new conditions of life in today’s world.  Montague County, which is located near Oklahoma, produces the best chances for creating economic success for children. Georgia. A few of the counties of this state have a good economy and the job market to help sustain the new generation that is coming. Part of a good neighborhood is having the economic resources to be able to support everyone in the community. Fayette County is hot, hot, hot. Inventory is moving fast. Views per listing are up 77% over last year. California. While this may be one of the most expensive states to live in, it is also the most ideal place for families, as it is very close to the ocean, mountains and desert this is the reason people are so attracted to and mystified by our state because you can start your day in the mountains and then by the end of the day you can be at the Pacific Ocean. California cities are world renowned and are also some of the safest in the country. However, because some people may not be able to afford to live in the Southern part, there is an alternative in the Central Part of California and these are good areas for people with families to live.  Colusa County in the Central Valley of California is a great place to raise children. The median list price on homes is at $246,000. Setschedule has changed the way real estate marketing is viewed, by changing the way REALTORS® access clients and listing appointments. SetSchedule is a “first of its’ kind” exclusive membership based model that provides verified appointments, marketing tools, and elite invite only networking events for its members. By blending new technologies, and thought processes with proven success methods Setschedule had incurred record producing results unseen in the industry. Contributed by James Link  

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