ReSET Blog
Blog · September 05, 2017 · AUTHOR: Udi Dorner

5 Tips for Searching for a House in Your Budget

how to find a house in your budget by buying a house as-is

Finding a House You Can Afford

Can you afford a house? How can you find an affordable home? Well, the truth is this: you can’t find that out simply by reading a blog post. But by learning more about the steps you can take to find a home you can afford, you will find that buying a home is less of a mystery, and really just a process.


Before you do anything else, you need to speak with a lender and find out how much they would be willing to lend you, along with the terms. Lenders start the qualifying process by assessing your income and debt ratios. Most loans will allow you to use 31% of your monthly gross income as your housing payment. This includes your mortgage, interest, taxes and insurance. It might also include homeowner’s association dues if applicable. Lender programs can vary a little, but this is a general guideline. The next aspect they consider is your total debt. This includes all recurring debt, such as an auto loan, student loans, credit cards, installment loans, and anything else that you pay each month. These monthly payments normally cannot exceed 43% of your monthly gross income.


It’s important to note that in addition to the loan costs, you have to include utilities, auto expenses, food or entertainment, etc. as you consider a home purchase. Just because you can qualify for more, you might not want to spend as much for your house payment.  You will need to consider your lifestyle and other commitments when determining a payment that you are comfortable with, not just one for which you can qualify. You might also want to consider looking at a home that is listed as selling as is because while there might be some work involved, the sellers might be willing to offer a lower price.

Down Payment and Assistance 

Affording a home loan also includes a down payment. There are many kinds of loan available. A FHA (Federal Housing Authority) loan requires a mere 3.5% down payment and that can be a gift. There are a variety of loan options and assistance programs for borrowers with low or moderate income, and other specific situations which might help as well. A VA (Veteran’s Administration) loan for instance has no down payment. States and some cities also have down payment assistance programs to help, if you qualify. FHA also allows your down payment to be a gift from a family member.

Affordable Neighborhoods being flexible when looking to buy or sell a house

Remember that you are buying your first home, but not necessarily your last. Stay flexible about not only your criteria for the house and the community. Watch for up-and-coming neighborhoods which might be a good option in a more affordable price range. You might need to consider a smaller home or longer commute to keep your cost in a comfortable range.

Advantages of Owning a Home

There are financial advantages to buying a home as well. Part of the consideration of buying a home has to include a visit to your tax professional. Learn how the mortgage interest and other costs can be tax deductible and the benefit of this tax break on your overall financial situation. You might find that even though your mortgage payment is higher than your current rent you will save money overall, due to the tax advantages. Remember also that your mortgage payment will not change over the life of the loan (assuming a fixed-rate loan) and that as rents continue to rise, you are protected from higher housing costs by locking in this expense. Owning a home has always been part of the American Dream. Finding an affordable home is not as difficult as you might think. Working with your real estate agent, keep an open mind, do your research, and learn all you can about the process; in this way, you will find that you can afford a home of your own. .

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  • Jane Burt says:
    I appreciate how the article explains that when you are looking for a home within your budget, you should look for a home in an up-and-coming neighborhood as they are often more affordable. My husband and I have a tight budget that we need to stay within. We will look into up-and-coming neighborhoods to help us save money.
  • I appreciate you talking about keeping your eyes open for up and coming neighborhoods so that you can land a good deal on a house that you might otherwise not be able to afford in a more established neighborhood. My son is looking for his first home so he and his family can have more space to grow into. We will pass this article over to him as he makes a plan to find his forever house.
  • Jackson Bush says:
    I like how you mentioned that you could buy a smaller home to keep a low budget. My wife and I are looking for our first home and she wants to get a bigger home but we simply don't have the financed to afford one. I'll let her know that we might have to get a smaller home to stay within our budget.
  • Thank you for helping me learn more about down payments and assistance programs. I didn't know there were assistance programs out there. My husband and I will have to keep this in mind if we look at buying a home in the near future.
  • Thank you for helping me understand that it is important to purchase a home in an affordable neighborhood. My wife and I will be graduating from college soon and we want to buy our first home. We will have to work with a real estate agent so we can find an affordable house.
  • Kate Hansen says:
    I love that you included looking in affordable neighborhoods when buying a home. My sister is wanting to buy a house but she didn't know where to look. I'll pass this information on to her while she looks at homes.
  • Ron Booker says:
    I like how you mentioned that is important to speak with a lender and find out how much they would be willing to lend us. My wife and I are looking to buy our first home. We are going to start looking for a real estate agent to help us with the process.
  • Thanks for explaining that owning a home has tax advantages, so we'll end up saving money even if our mortgage payments are higher. My husband and I need to move for a work opportunity, and we've been trying to decide if it'd be better to rent and apartment or buy a single family home. I'm glad I read your article because now I'm excited about looking at single family homes for sale in the area!
  • Jenna Hunter says:
    My cousin is looking for a new home so that she can build a family. She wants to make sure that she gets a perfect home and it would be helpful for her to get a professional to help her. I'll be sure to tell her that she needs to include utilities and auto expenses.
  • Getting into affordable housing is a wonderful insight. This is a great way to make sure that you are staying within your criteria. My sister might like knowing this as she looks into getting real estate.
  • Adrian Jones says:
    I like how you mention that it's actually easier to look for a house now especially if you have a tight budget to consider and you might not have any other options available for you. At the same time, there are affordable neighborhoods where you can find a house that's well within your price range. While I don't have enough money to be able to attempt buying a house with just cash, at least it's reassuring to know that houses can be bought at a cheaper, more affordable rate.
  • Bob says:
    I love your tips about getting your new home. That makes sense that you would want to stay within your budget. I'll have to consider your tips so that I can stay within my budget.
  • Adrian Jones says:
    One of the most important things to keep in mind is that when you're looking to buy a house, you should have the budget to do so! Shopping for a house is very expensive and you have to be prepared to burn more than a few holes through your wallet especially if you're looking for a nice place to stay--and one of the things that sellers consider before accepting your payment is your total debt and credit scores, just to make sure you can pay off the house during the agreed-on number of years. If I had the chance to look for a house for sale one of the best ways to do it is to make sure that my debt is as low enough as possible as well as having enough money on-hand just to be on the safe side.
  • Steele Honda says:
    I'm glad that you talked about how it's important to consider not only loan costs, but also the costs of utilities, auto expenses, food, and entertainment. My husband and I are looking to move out of our apartment and buy our first home, and this is something that we will need to take into account. I think in general it is probably better to budget for more than you plan to spend on a house so that you can be prepared for the other costs you may not have thought of.
  • Gary Puntman says:
    I agree that before you start shopping for a home, you need to speak with your lender. You want to see how much of a loan you can get and how much you should be spending on a home. You should make sure you know about any other fees you might need to worry about, like you said.
  • Braden Bills says:
    I want to make sure that I find the best house for me. It makes sense that I would want to see how much I can afford! I'll set up a budget ahead of time so I can ensure that I don't get anything that exceeds it.
  • Thanks for the tips for finding a home to buy. I like how you said that one step is to make an accurate budget including utilities, food, and entertainment. That's smart for us to try before actually starting our house hunting escapade.
  • Ellie Davis says:
    Thank you for pointing out that there are some financial benefits of owning a home. My husband and I are wanting to buy our first home and need to find the right one for us. I'll have to do some research and find a great home.
  • It got me when you said that I need to keep my eye peeled for neighborhoods that might open up while I am buying a house so that I will have an opportunity to get a home for a cheaper price. This is a good advice to hear since I am a first-time home buyer. It would be nice if there is a way that I can choose to buy a cheaper home because, for now, what matters to me is that I do get a home.
  • word hickson says:
    Your post information is very unique and useful for all readers.
  • Raffy says:
    Giving time to research and find the right home for you is something you should be allotting your time with.
  • Jen Davidson says:
    Thanks for mentioning that you need to include things like utilities and food in your budget for a home. I wasn't thinking about that when I made our budget for buying a new home, so I'm going to have to go back and fix the mistakes so we have an accurate idea of our finances. Maybe talking with a real estate agent would give us a better idea of just how much we can afford too!
  • Mark Murphy says:
    I really appreciate your tip to try and consider your lifestyle before you buy a house so you will find a house that you like. My wife and I have been thinking of getting a new house, and we are concerned that we won't be able to find a house that has enough room for our kids to play around. I will be sure to tell our realtor that our lifestyle needs a lot of room for our kids to play!
  • It was really nice how you suggested keeping an eye out for any upcoming neighborhood that showcases more affordable houses because that will allow me to save more money. Since this is my first time buying a house, it would really be nice if I can save more money for the furnishings. I will keep this in mind. I am not rushing into getting a house anyway.
  • Michael Lee says:
    My wife and I want to go and buy our first house. We do not know where to start and I think that what you said about debt ratios is good information for us. I will have to be sure that our debt ratio is not too high.
  • Jensen Mott\ says:
    That's a good point that your budget has to consist of more than just the home. You also have to take into account food, transportation, and other costs of living. We are trying to set a budget right now for finding our dream home in an area near us, so we'll have to take all of those things into account. This is our first home, so we want something small but able to fit the needs of our growing family.
  • Jensen Mott\ says:
    That's a good point that your budget has to consist of more than just the home. You also have to take into account food, transportation, and other costs of living. We are trying to set a budget right now for finding our dream home in an area near us, so we'll have to take all of those things into account. This is our first home, so we want something small but able to fit the needs of our growing family.
  • Braden Bills says:
    I want to make sure that I find the right house. It makes sense that I would want to figure out how much I can afford first! It would be a good idea to do some calculations based on my income. Thank you for the advice.
  • Malia Davis says:
    I love your idea to look out for up-and-coming neighborhoods that you could buy a home in. That would be a great way to get a better starting price for homes than those in neighborhoods that are already established on the market. I think it would also be a good idea to get a real estate agent to help you with that since they would have the resources to be able to find you these types of neighborhoods in your area. That way, you would never miss a deal on a home that you might want to buy.
  • It was good to know that one of the advantages of owning a house is that there are tax advantages and the mortgage rate will remain constant no matter how many years pass. Considering how my brother always complains about taxes and understanding taxes, I think this will convince him to buy a home. He asked me why he needs a house once, and now I have a pretty good answer.
  • Sherry Gajos says:
    I loved what you said about staying flexible about your criteria for the house and the community. My husband and I are moving to a new state with our kids, so we want to find a nice, affordable area that will hopefully be safe for us. Thank you for the information about watching neighborhoods which might be a good option in a more affordable price range.
  • Hector Uba says:
    Thanks for the tips on finding a home that is within your budget. I agree that setting a budget before doing anything else is the most important thing you can do when buying a home. You definitely don't want to end up with a house that you can't afford and that will put you in an awkward financial situation.
  • We are looking to buy our first home and I really appreciated your advice for first-time home buyers. I think you made a great point that budgeting doesn't just include your home payment but also your utilities, insurance, auto expenses, and food costs to consider in your budget. We will have to keep in mind our total budget when we look at homes to purchase.
  • Gary Puntman says:
    I want to buy my first home later this year. I'll definitely need all the tips I can get. I like that you said you should talk with a lender before you do anything else. This will allow you to see how much you can actually afford, like you said.
  • Ken Hwan says:
    I really like your advice to try and find a house that will still allow you to live within your social comforts and habits. My wife and I are trying to find a bigger house to fit our family in, but we also still want to be able to entertain in our house. I will be sure to find a house that is both spacious and inviting to guests!
  • My fiance and I really want to move into a home when we're married, so this is great. I'll be sure to look into what sort of home we can afford, including utilities and everything. We're pretty well off, but we still don't want to buy too much home.
  • I am glad you mentioned that you should also want to consider looking at a home that is listed as selling as is because while there might be some work involved, the sellers might be willing to offer a lower price. We are looking for a home to buy this summer. Thanks for the tips on finding a home in your budget.
  • Thanks for mentioning that you need to consider the total amount of all debt you have, as it will affect whether or not you can finance your home. My friend and her husband just had a baby, so she's been looking to buy her first home. These tips will help her through the process, so I'll mention them to her!
  • Amanda Drew says:
    Thanks for pointing out that you should look for up-and-coming neighborhoods that may be in a more affordable price for you. My husband and I have been married for about three years now, and we were thinking that it would be a nice time to actually settle down and get our own place that we could maybe start a family in. We'll have to be on the lookout for up-and-coming places to find some real estate for sale.
  • Braden Bills says:
    I want to make sure that I get the right house for my family. It makes sense that I would want to set up a budget! That way I won't end up putting my eye on something that I might not end up being able to afford.
  • It's great that you've mentioned that one will need to consider their lifestyle and other commitments when determining a payment that they are comfortable with, not just one for which they can qualify. I am looking for new houses for sale as I don't want the hassle brought about by having to do repairs. Thanks for your advice though when it comes to choosing a house on a budget; I'll do what I can to find the balance between buying a new house and determining how much I can pay for the house comfortably.
  • Burt Silver says:
    I like that you mention considering my lifestyle and other commitments. I recently got a job offer in a new town and I'm looking for a new house. What you mentioned is definitely something I need to keep in mind so that I don't overspend what my budget is capable of.
  • Ava Murphy says:
    I do like that you suggested considering your lifestyle in determining the type of payment and budget that you are comfortable with in buying a house. This is something that I will make sure to remember because I'm planning to buy a house, and my biggest priority is the budget. My goal is to make sure that I won't have to spend more than I can in buying a house, so I will make sure to consider buying modular homes. Thanks!
  • Moira Blythe says:
    My husband and I are looking to buy our first home. I appreciate your advice to make sure that we look around at different, more affordable neighborhoods before we jump into a place that is too expensive. We really don't need an enormous place right now, but it would be nice to buy in a nice neighborhood.
  • Ellie Davis says:
    Thank you for suggesting that you consider a small home in order to keep prices low. My sister is moving so she can be closer to my family, and she is trying to find a new house. I think she may need to hire a real estate agent to help her get through the home buying process quickly.
  • It's great that this article mentions the importance of including everything in your home price, such as the loan costs and utilities. This could help you figure out what price range you will be able to pay for. If you are unsure of what to include, you could consult your real estate agent. Working with a real estate agent would be useful to ask questions and make sure you understand everything necessary to help you buy a home.
  • Marcus Coons says:
    Thanks for mentioning how the first step in buying a house is to speaks with a lender. It is important to remember that doing this can help you know how much you can get out and what type of house you need. We need to buy a house, so this is welcomed advice.
  • Gary Puntman says:
    I like that you mentioned the importance of having a budget and keeping in mind added costs from utilities. I also agree that you should understand what repairs a home might need after you move into it and incorporate it into your budget. I'm sure there are many people who buy a home thinking they can afford it, then finding out it actually costs more than they thought.
  • Silas Knight says:
    Thanks for the great tips for finding a home to buy. I like how you said that we need to watch for up and coming neighborhoods. We'd love to live in a growing neighborhood, especially a suburb with plenty of neighbors.
  • I like how you talked about looking for affordable neighborhoods and staying flexible in criteria. My parents are downsizing and are searching for a new home. I appreciate the information on how to find a house in your budget.
  • I appreciate that you mentioned to make sure that you should consider what your lifestyle is and budget accordingly when looking for a house. This seems like a good way to also understand more about what you really need to live. Maybe it could even help you look at some options that you hadn't considered before.
  • I like that you talked about how you must consider your lifestyle and other commitments so you can find the best payment scheme that you will feel comfortable with. My husband and I are looking to buy a bigger house, and it's important for us to find a house that will fit our budget. We have expenses for our children's schooling, so finding a house based on our needs and wants is crucial for us. For me, making a list of our expenses can be a good idea in determining what we can afford in buying a house. Thanks for the tips!
  • Ashley Turns says:
    My husband and I are planning on buying our first piece of real estate together because our first child is on the way and we've been wondering what we should be doing. So thanks for pointing out that we should be willing to be flexible with the neighborhood and real estate property we end up choosing since it is our first one. So I will make sure that we are considering homes that are safely in our budget and affordable for us.
  • Thanks for sharing your article about searching for a house in tour budget. I couldn't agree more with what you said about how you should consider your lifestyle and other commitments when determining a payment that you are comfortable with. For me, buying a house is a big move that will require a long-term commitment. It's important to make sure that you can still be financially capable even after buying a house. My sister is interested in buying a new house for her family. I will make sure to share your blog with her so she can use it as a reference.
  • "if anybody searching a new home within our budget so follow these all tips : : Add Up Your Income List Your Household Expenses Calculate Home-Ownership Costs Give Your Budget Room to Grow Make Adjustments Boost Your Buying Power"
  • Bobby Saint says:
    You made a good point that one of the things you need to consider is your budget. This includes utilities, food, auto expenses, etc. It is important that everything fits right within your budget to avoid overspending. I will definitely keep this in mind if ever I buy my own house. Thanks.
  • Thanks for sharing! It's awesome how you mentioned about considering neighbourhoods while choosing a house. My sister is going to move to another town, and I'll share this information in order to make her house searches easier.
  • Max Jones says:
    My wife and I have been wanting to find some real estate that we could move our family to, and I think that being able to have some tips would always be helpful. I'm glad you mentioned looking into affordable neighborhoods, and how some of the newer ones could be good options. I'm going to have to pay attention to the neighborhoods that we're shopping in, and hopefully we'll find some good real estate to help give us room to grow!
  • Katie Dunn says:
    My fiance and I are currently trying to make plans for moving into our first home. Because of this, I really appreciate your tip about budgeting and keeping costs like utilities in mind. If utilities aren't a flat rate, however, what advice do you have for budgeting for that?
  • My wife and I are looking for a home, and it's really important that we find something within our budget. I liked how you pointed out the need for us to consider additional expenses such as food, entertainment, and auto expenses when determining how much a home will cost us. We'll be sure to do this so we can be extra sure we stay in our budget once we find a home that suits us.
  • I like that you touched on the effect that a neighborhood can have on the price of the home. It makes sense that buying a home in a high-class neighborhood can be much more expensive, even if it's the same caliber of house found in another neighborhood. Thanks for the post; these tips could really help me with my home search because I'd like to find a comfortable home that I could raise my family in but think that choosing an affordable neighborhood could be helpful.
  • B Morse says:
    There is a process to buying a's not like picking something off the shelf at the store.

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