Digital marketing is evolving fast. In fact, it’s hard to keep up with the latest trends every year. However, there is one constant change that never goes away: the need for better marketing automation software tools using artificial intelligence (AI). These tools are designed to help marketers create more meaningful connections with customers to better understand their needs and make smarter decisions about how to market products or services.

1. WordLift

WordLift is a predictive analytics platform for content marketers, social media managers and SEO professionals. It uses AI and machine learning to predict the best content for your audience — whether that’s on social or in search.

WordLift can help you:

Find out which of your articles are most successful with readers

Identify what topics or keywords are most popular with your target audience

Plan new campaigns around those popular topics

2. Narrative Science

You can use the Narrative Science platform to generate millions of unique articles and reports. The company uses artificial intelligence to analyze data and generate natural language reports for its clients.

Using Natural Language Generation (NLG), Narrative Science has been used by Forbes, MarketWatch, Business Insider and others to publish millions of articles on finance, business, sports, politics and more. As a result of this technology boom in content generation, Narrative Science has been used by numerous Fortune 500 companies such as IBM Watson Health Inc., Intel Corp., Roche Pharmaceuticals Inc., and Siemens AG among others.

3. IBM Watson 

IBM Watson is a cognitive computing system that uses natural language processing and machine learning to reveal insights from large amounts of data.

IBM Watson can be used to create applications in areas such as customer service, fraud detection, and market research.

4. FreshMinds 

FreshMinds is a global digital agency with offices in London, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Sydney. They help brands grow their business through digital transformation.

They’re a team of over 600 people across the world; known for creativity, expertise and commitment to excellence. Their goal is to make your brand stand out online by creating engaging experiences that convert leads into sales (and repeat customers).

5. NetBase

NetBase is a cloud-based marketing solution that uses AI to help you understand your customers, create better content, and personalize your marketing.

NetBase's artificial intelligence technology enables marketers to focus on creating more relevant content and more personalized experiences for their customers.

6. Klaviyo

Klaviyo makes sure that every message you send is relevant to your subscribers. It does this by using machine learning algorithms to analyze the past behavior of your customers and email them only when they're likely to be interested in what you're sending .

It also offers a behavioral targeting engine that uses artificial intelligence to identify patterns in customer behavior so you can send targeted messages based on things like their location, demographics and interests.

7. Percolate

Percolate is a marketing automation platform that helps marketers drive revenue. Its AI-powered platform also allows marketers to make better decisions, faster.

Its software uses AI to help you optimize your sales and marketing efforts, and automate repetitive tasks on social media and email campaigns so you can spend more time doing the work that only humans can do.

Marketing automation software using artificial intelligence will continue to change the way digital marketing works.

Automation uses the power of machine learning, deep learning and natural language processing to predict customer behavior, learn from past interactions and optimize content so marketers can focus on creating authentic connections with the right customers at the right time and place in their buying journey.

With AI-powered marketing automation, data is collected about your leads or customers through touchpoints like website visits or applications, then analyzed for patterns that indicate which actions are most likely to lead to conversions — sales or signups. This predictive analysis allows you as a marketer to make better decisions about how much time and effort you put into each lead or customer based on how likely they will convert into an actual sale (or other desired outcome).

Machine learning algorithms also identify new opportunities that may not have been possible without AI by analyzing large amounts of historical data across multiple channels—such as web traffic behavior and social media engagement—to uncover patterns that could help improve results in real time.


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