SkillSET Blog
Advice For Pros · January 10, 2019 · AUTHOR: Udi Dorner

2019 Resolutions for Real Estate Agents

It’s a new year and everyone’s making resolutions about what they intend to accomplish in 2019. For real estate agents, that means you should be thinking about how you plan to grow your business over the next 12 months. When identifying and defining your objectives for the year, be sure you’re starting from an informed place and are being realistic about your capacity to meet those goals. Here are some ways to set your business targets for 2019.

Start with your 2018 accomplishments

Consider how many new clients you picked up, how many transactions you successfully closed, and your average net profit per client in 2018. Taking a look at your history will also give you an idea of which months were most profitable for you, and which ones were slower, which will let you plan out your finances for 2019. Starting with hard data from 2018 will give you an idea of where you can go in the new year.

Brush up on current real estate trends and research

Don’t set yourself up to fail by setting goals based on outdated information. If experts are calling for a major shift in your market, be sure to keep that in mind when putting together a plan of action for the new year. Holding yourself to unattainable goals will cause you to become discouraged and will kill your motivation, so be sure that you’re making informed decisions when crafting your 2019 goals.

Make marketing as well as transactional goals

It’s easy to set goals based on how many transactions you want to close, or how many new clients you want to pick up, but don’t forget to incorporate your marketing goals in your plan as well. Challenge yourself to start a real estate blog, for example, or to post relevant and valuable content on social media once per day. By investing the time into building your brand and marketing your business, the transactional goals will be easier to reach.

Resolve to stay organized

One easy goal that can bring instant gratification is to organize your business surroundings. Create or maintain a dedicated workspace, whether you have a separate office space or just a desk in your home, and develop a system for organizing all of the clutter and paperwork that comes with the real estate business. Digitally, make sure you have a clear and organized CRM system to keep track of all your contacts and prospects. Having these things under control will make you feel empowered and ready to tackle some of the thornier challenges of real estate.

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