SkillSET Blog
Advice For Pros · April 27, 2022 · AUTHOR: Delaney Standish

Best Practices for the SetSchedule Referral Radar

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SetSchedule is a software platform intended for business development, and the Referral Radar, a lead marketplace, is just one of the ecosystems with the suite of software. SetSchedule sees the greatest success on the platforms for agents who put their heads down and work through a nurturing cadence. The article will walk through some of the best practices of the Referral Radar and how to get the most out of the platform. 

The Referal Radar leads absolutely work, and below are just a few of the success stories that we've seen recently. The leads are aggregated from 17 different sources to offer buyer and seller leads. One of these partners is, but the company also pulls leads from Zillow, Z-Buyer, and Trulia. Working with this many sources allows the company to put leads into a territory in mass. They are also exclusive to the platform, meaning if SetSchedule has a lead from Zillow, it's exclusive to the platform.

The most significant difference between the Referral Radar and other platforms is the level of interest. These leads are people who are looking to connect um with real estate agents. The biggest hurdle is whether an agent can get a toe, or even better, a foot in the door and convince them that you, the agent, are the best fit. 

First Things First: 

If you are a real estate agent or broker, you will see an icon at the bottom that says "referral radar." Users can click on that icon and the "activate" button. Users will accept the MSA and enter a phone number. Your account is ready to accept leads, and you can now start to receive leads on the platform. But don't forget to fully set up your account by uploading a photo and information about yourself so that you can work with other individuals.

So the lead went onto Trulia, input their information, and showed interest in a property or speaking to an agent. Then one of our partners pushes a lead to us. Then immediately, the prospect is sent an email and a text from SetSchedule, letting them know that they are on our platform and then asking if they are indeed looking to do a transaction in real estate and what they are looking to accomplish. Our goal here is to weed out the bad and highlight the good. If one pipeline isn't working, that's okay. There are 16 other pipelines that we can funnel into the area. The beauty of the referral radar is that there is a wide breadth of leads all in one place. 


Blue Telephone

A potential client is a buyer, seller, or renter sourced from one of SetSchedule's trusted affiliates. At the top, it will indicate if it is a buyer, seller, or renter (use pointer to show area). Where it's located, which one of our 18 partners we got the lead from, and information like property value, estimated budget, or any details like bedroom, bathroom, square footage, etc. 

Blue Telephone with "Verified Sticker"

SetSchedule's bot, Jessica, reaches out to the lead and asks if they are interested in speaking to an agent. A verified lead has confirmed their interest through an additional layer of proprietary nurturing technology. Once confirmed, a verified stamp goes onto the lead. When an agent picks up one of these leads, we send out a notification to the prospect letting them know that we have assigned them an agent in their area. We share the agent's contact information and let them know that agent will be contacting them very soon.

Black Telephone with Halo

These Smart Match leads are opportunities recommended to you based on your account activity within the Referral RadarTM. These are specific to the initial user. It's essential aggravating your data and make recommendations based on that data to allow you to use the platform more efficiently and effectively. 

Black Telephone with Halo and "Verified" Stamp

We call Verified Smart Match leads who have confirmed their interest through the SetSchedule verification system and are recommended directly to an agent, based on account activity, the Referral RadarTM. These are golden eggs, and you'll want to reach out promptly. 

How do I know which lead is for me? 

If it's not a good fit based on the initial information, just click pass, and the icon will disappear from the referral radar. There is never ever a penalty for passing on a lead. If you want to move forward with the lead, click on the "Take This Lead" button. The agent would then receive all of that prospect's contact information - Name, Phone Number, Email address, etc. You don't get that information until you click on "Take This Lead" because we don't want everyone in the area calling the same lead.

I don't want to see everything: 

There is also a filer option filter option now, which is a lot more robust than what we had previously, and the filter icon in the funnel icon that you see where my mouse is circling around right now and by clicking on that filter icons. Agents can sort the different lead types so you can sort the list view, which is on the left-hand side by last updated, price, or distance from the agent's center points. 

How many agents get a lead? 

SetSchedule limits the number of agents that are able to reach out to an opportunity, but it all comes down to feedback. The number of agents is kept to about three to four, and the reason we do that is one SetSchedule also has a responsibility to the home shopper to make sure we're getting them in front of the right agent at the right time. If a member leaves feedback that they actually connected with the lead, we won't put the lad back on the platform. 

How do I pick my territory? 

Unlike many other lead gen companies, SetSchedule goes by center points. Agents decide where their center points are placed and can take their coverage area into a one-mile or 25-mile radius. It allows agents to be as granular or expansive as they agent wishes. Wherever the radius reaches is where the agent will receive notifications, but the entire state's leads can be accessed in-app. 

How do I get " better" leads? 

SetSchedule requires a monthly one-on-one with the agent's assigned consultant to keep them updated on the status of the leads. Agents are also asked to notify their consultant of a triggering event, like a listing agreement, within 24 hours. SetScheudle also asked that the agent rates their leads because we want to know which pipelines work and which ones are not. The more feedback you give us, the more we can fine-tune the pipeline. Passing on a lead is just as important as accepting a lead for the SetShecduel Algorithm. 

Picking Up Leads: 

With SetSchedule, leads on the platform are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. If an agent's center points hover over the lead's location, the agent will be notified. An agent can change settings to be notified by text, email, and/or push notification. SetHello and Concierge Handshake connection type leads are offered in a round-robin method. Round Robin is automatically executed by the system, starting with the highest scoring local agent. Agents are ranked by evaluating the agent's in-app engagement, consultant, and transactions with SetSchedule. 

Live Transfers: 

SetSchedule has two types of live transfers; SetHello and Concierge Handshakes. If a home shopper says they would like to speak to an agent "Now" through the nursing system, they will be connected to our SetHello platform. This is a video and audio phone call system to connect the agent and home shopper right then and there. Concierge Handshake Leads are your more traditional live transfer. There is a concierge team member with a prospect ready to talk.

First Come, First Serve: 

With SetSchedule, leads on the platform are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. If an agent's center points hover over the lead's location, the agent will be notified. An agent can change settings to be notified by text, email, and/or push notification. SetHello and Concierge Handshake connection type leads are offered in a round-robin method. Round Robin is automatically executed by the system, starting with the highest scoring local agent. Agents are ranked by evaluating the agent's in-app engagement, consultant, and transactions with SetSchedule. 


SetSchedule is just passing along the data that we are receiving from our vendors. At the same time, our vendors pass along information that they have received from the home shopper. Some data, especially price points, can sometimes be misleading. There are so many instances of wrongly type information like missing a 0 in the budget on the platform. That could make a big difference between a $300,000 budget and a 3 million dollar budget. This being said, every lead is a good lead. It's worth a contact point to truly get to the bottom of the home shopper's needs and wants. 


In order to modify and adjust your notification settings, you simply will just go into the profile settings page, so you click on your picture located in the upper right-hand part of the page. You'll see the settings section by clicking on the settings. Agents will now see a complete set that says referral radar. As a premium agent, you'll be able to add in those additional center points if you're a premium user. You can also adjust your notification settings right. The ability to customize your notifications is essential to what you're seeing. You can adjust to be notified by push notification, text, and/or email. 


For our Premium Agents, we will assign a consultant. The consultant's role is to be your assistant with the platform. A consultant will take you through basic and advanced group training on the platform right off the bat. They will show you all the ins and outs of the platform. The most important meeting is a monthly one-on-one check-in with the consultant. This time is for the consultant to get feedback on the leads. SetSchedule wants to improve, so we need to know what's working and what's not to give you more of what you want to see. The consultant's main job is to ensure that users are getting the most out of the platform. 


When there's an error in the app, the first thing to do is sign out and then sign back in. If that doesn't solve the problem, try deleting the app and redownload it. 

Getting Started: 

Real estate professionals can sign up and download the SetSchedule app for free. It's available for both iPhone and Android devices. From there, you'll select your profession. The user can only add one profession during set-up, but more titles can be added to the profile after sign-up completion. It will then ask you for a CenterPoint location. Most users will use their office address or a central location in the area where they primarily work. The center point can be changed later and serves to identify the correct area for business notifications. 

The SetSchedule platform includes a verification process consisting of:

  • Adding a profile picture

  • Connecting any social media accounts

  • Adding a bio

  • Adding five connections

Once all steps are completed, a user can apply for verification. Verification ensures that the solopreneur has all the appropriate accreditations and is who they say they are. Once verified, the profile will receive a little gray verification checkmark. 

What if I can't help the lead? (Out of my area, bilingual, etc.)

You can contact that lead and make a Broadcast post in the Networking Ecosystem, informing other agents or professionals about the lead. If it's your lead and you let the new agent know there's a referral fee attached, then the original agent is welcome to pass that lead along or even.

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