SkillSET Blog
Advice For Pros · January 11, 2022 · AUTHOR: Andrea Anderson

Prepare for the Omicron Variant

As the world around us begins to have some semblance of normalcy again, it’s tempting to allow ourselves to believe that, though not gone, COVID-19 is no longer the threat we have faced over the past few years. Life is swirling around us and we can now: sit inside a restaurant for a meal again, try on clothes at our favorite stores, and even large-scale events are resurfacing. We luckily have more information available to us regarding the virus. It is, however; important to keep in mind that variants do keep splintering off. The most recent being the highly contagious Omicron Variant. As you are meeting with clients, remember to keep practicing health and safety precautions to protect yourself and your clients.


Run Through the Wellness Checklist:

  • Have you been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days?

  • Have you displayed any of the following symptoms in the past 14 days?

    • Fever

    • Cough

    • Shortness of Breath

    • Sore Throat

    • Muscle Pain or Weakness

    • Chills or Repeated Shaking with Chills

If you or your client answer YES to any of the above, you might want to cancel or reschedule your current appointment.


Keep The Following Items With You for Everyone's Safety:

  • Face Mask (should always cover your nose and mouth completely.)

  • Disposable gloves

  • Trash bag to safely dispose of personal protective items.

  • Hand Sanitizer (should contain at least 60% alcohol)


When Inside, Follow these Precautions:

  • Avoid touching surfaces as much as possible

  • Maintain a 6-foot social distance

  • Do not remove your personal protective equipment (mask, gloves) for the duration of your interactions.


Always wash your hands, correctly wear and dispose of your personal protective items, and maintain social distancing.

The good news is the Omicron does appear to be far less severe than any of the others and has a shorter incubation period, therefore; it's not necessary for a business to be delayed as much. It’s easy to get excited and start to let these precautions slip little bits at a time. Just keep in mind to stay safe, and keep your clients safe as well.



The Wall Street Journal - As Omicron Variant Spreads, States Aim for Balance Between Curbs and Safety

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