SkillSET Blog
What s New · November 17, 2023 · AUTHOR: Jhanna Arce

SetSchedule is Live

We just deployed SetSchedule v3.3.8.1. This release includes the following updates: Feature Improvements:

  • Referral Radar Activation Updates - Premium users can now activate their referral radar without purchasing a lead first.
  • Network - Update the Twitter Logo to X in SetApp
  • SetSchedule Profile - Show all posts of the user in SetSchedule Profile
  • SetSchedule Profile - Social Media link will be hidden when information is not available

Bug Fixes:

  • SET-7560 - Android - New Opportunity link redirects to server error page
  • SET-8360 - Android - Teams UI overlapping when navigating between Discover and Updates page
  • SET-7834 - Desktop - Duplicate profession and company name is displayed below the Profile name.
  • SET-8087 - Desktop - You already have Premium membership error message showing for newly created account
  • SET-8107 - Desktop - RED Phase II -  Button and subtitle Texts are missing from Pitch page and wrong subtitle text found
  • SET-8108 - Desktop - RED Phase II - Feature name is missing in Edit profile for RED
  • SET-8111 - Desktop - RED Phase II - Button. Texts and Styles are missing on the RED downgrade journey
  • SET-8126 - Desktop - UI is broken on the Top Professionals To Follow View All page
  • SET-8128 - Desktop - UI is broken on the Top Professionals To Follow page in the sign up journey
  • SET-8377 - Desktop - SetSchedule Profile - UI for the initials of the users without profile picture is broken
  • SET-8381 - Desktop - SetSchedule Profile - SetSchedule Profile Footer UI correction
  • SET-8407 - Desktop - Admin can remove team owner from the team
  • SET-8425 - Desktop - SetSchedule Profile - Profile Picture of non-RED users is being covered by the Header
  • SET-8430 - Desktop - Changes when adding a phone number in the contact section is not being shown in Profile page
  • SET-8436 - Desktop - No leads are being shown in Referral Radar
  • SET-8447 - iOS - Deep link of network post routes to the Teams page
  • SET-8011 - iOS - Fix for the missing red rings in SetApp sections
  • SET-8136 - iOS - Fix for the redirection of RED onboarding screen
  • SET-8363 - iOS - New comments are not showing up for posts with 100+ comments
  • SET-8372 - iOS - Following 2-3 Top Professionals during signup is updating the remaining follow button to following
  • SET-8194 - Desktop - Replies in a comment are not showing in Desktop

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