SkillSET Blog
What s New · October 26, 2023 · AUTHOR: Jhanna Arce

SetSchedule App 3.3.8 Update is Live

Unlock the Power of Collaboration with SetSchedule's Teams 2.0! SetSchedule Version 3.3.8 is here, and it's all about fostering collaboration and supercharging your success. The update includes:

Feature Improvements:

  • Team Personalization - Adding Key Professions, Team Privacy Settings, Team’s Theme Color, and Team Logo to the team creation screen. Allowing users to select or input key professions relevant to their team,  edit their team privacy setting between public and private options, choose a theme color for their team, and upload a team logo.
  • Team Member Management - Users that are part of a team will now effortlessly see all team members and connect instantly using the connect button.
  • Team Search and Discoverability - With this functionality, team owners and administrators can now enhance the visibility of their teams to other SetApp users. Public Teams can now be discovered by users in the same state who possess at least one profession matching the team's designated key professions. In addition to this, users can now send a request to join any discovered teams in their area.
  • Team Activity - This feature includes the Welcome post. Whenever a user becomes a part of a team, a new post will be automatically generated on the team's wall to extend a warm welcome.
  • SetSchedule Profile Click to call & email - The vision of SetSchedule Profile Click to Call & Email is to provide profile viewers a more convenient method for contacting SetSchedule Professionals.

Bug Fixes:

  • SET-7840 - Desktop - Text wrapping on Notifications bell page is dividing the text
  • SET-7921 - Desktop - Blank “at” sections
  • SET-8088 - Desktop - The activity of one profile is reflecting on another profile
  • SET-7187 - Backend - Cannot archive opportunities
  • SET-7837- Backend - RED - Card is accepting expired date in expiration without error message
  • SET-8082 - Android - Top Professional to follow - Red Ring & Wave Background is not showing in the carousel
  • SET-8083 - Android - Clicking back from the RED Subscription Cancel page hides the navigation bar
  • SET-8109 - iOS -RED - Remove white background from Profile Images when Red Ring is disabled

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