SkillSET Blog
· April 21, 2023 · AUTHOR: Meg Canino

SetSchedule App v3.3.7 Update

SetSchedule releases v3.3.7 update, along with significant bug fixes to ensure a better user experience on web and mobile platforms.

New Features:

  • Double Tap on Home icon (iOS & Android) - This feature will allow users to reload or refresh the Wall by tapping on the home button twice at a time. Users will be routed to the top of the wall if the Home icon was tapped once. 

  • Top Professionals to Follow (All platforms) - This feature will allow users to see the list of Top professionals in their area to follow after finishing up the sign-up process. 

  • Spell Check (iOS & Android) - For any misspelled word the keyword should show a red underline to determine the misspelling. This update covers Network, Profile Posts, Team Posts, Teams Comment & Replies, Network Comments and Replies, and Chat. Spell check will be based on the settings that the users have selected in their device. 

  • Follow Settings Inclusion - users can now turn on/off their Follow notifications in the Notification Settings

  • Main Menu Global Adjustments - users outside the United States will only see relatable items in their main menu navigation.


Bug Fix: 


  • Fixed the issue on uploaded video thumbnails that are showing as 90 Degrees rotated.

  • Manually created opportunities will no longer show up in the dropdown when reporting a deal. 

  • Users will now be able to re-add cards after deleting previous card information from the payment settings. 

  • Flagged posts for inappropriate content will now be hidden in the app. It will only appear on the wall once they are Approved.

  • Users will now get notifications when there is a new lead created and dispatched from Anima. 

  • We fixed the issue where RED banners were still displayed after the user subscribed to RED. 


  • When a person tries to change their phone number, their account password is now required. 

  • Resolved issue with Open House's clear filter not functioning.

  • Fixed UI issues with the location dropdown values in Profile Settings.

  • Fixed UI issues with the Update Password screen in Profile Settings.

  • Users will now be able to add and send connection requests using the “Add” button. We previously had issues on this when a user goes to the other user’s profile using the “View Activity” button.  

  • Reaction count number in posts will now be displayed correctly. Users will no longer see duplicate person names when viewing it. 

  • Fixed problems with the Referral Radar's inconsistent location placeholders when adding Center Points.

  • After making an in-app purchase, the transaction history in Payment Settings will now update immediately.

  • The collaboration button will no longer function until a user chooses a team to work with. 

  • Fixed UI issues in Open House where the “Share Open House” button shows as “Button”

  • When a user's profile photograph loads, their initials will now appear in place of the SetSchedule logo. 

  • Fixed UI issues where Joined SetSchedule date is not visible in Profile. 

  • Since we now automatically insert a space when users paste URLs, which will separate it from the contents written before it, users may now access URLs in posts properly. 

  • More than 13-digit phone numbers cannot be saved by users, and invalid phone numbers are no longer displayed in account information. 

  • Issues with tapping team members' photos on the Team Roster have been fixed. Now it ought to direct to the user's profile. 

  • Fixed functionalities issues with the inability to tap the delete member option for the last team member.

  • Fixed UI issues when resending the verification code in Verify Phone Number pop-up. Text will now show “ Resend Verification Code” instead of “Resend Verification Email”

  • Fixed UI issues in the Referral Radar Upgrade pitch page. It will now show “Upgrade to Premium” instead of “Upgrade to Premium Team Tech”

  • Fixed UI issues with posts on the wall. Too much white space between the user’s information and their post should no longer be visible.

  • Users will now see a suitable error message rather than a technical one for incorrect password entering when changing account email.

  • A bug with entering the USA in the address search field for Location while generating a broadcast post has been fixed. 

  • Clicking on the push notification when another user accepts a user’s request to connect will now route the user to the person who accepted their request. 

  • Fixed issue with push notification banner not appearing when someone likes a user’s post.

  • When a user clicks on their push notification after someone comments on their post, it will now take them to that post instead of being routed to their wall. 

  • Clicking on the push notification for new leads dispatched in User’s centerpoint will now route them to the Referral Radar and open the lead details instead of just being routed to their Home Page. 

  • A bug with the error message showing up when updating Referral Radar Centerpoint has been fixed. 

  • Users can now upload media in posts without getting stuck on the loading spinner. 

  • Recommended section will no longer appear in Profile activity

  • Fixed UI issue where profile pictures were not loading in Notifications tab.

  • Follow option will now show up in the three-dot menu in user’s profile.

  • When the user opens the iOS app and navigates to the CRM tab, the list of opportunities will now be displayed in the "CRM" tab without the need to navigate to other tabs.

  • When changing their phone number, users will now be able to see the password field while typing.

  • Updated the content in Premium Licenses in Teams. Corrected the number of premium users and premium licenses that can be used in different packages. 


  • Updated the content in Premium Licenses in Teams. Corrected the number of premium users and premium licenses that can be used in different packages. 

  • Removed the toast message "You can't send a message to the user" when viewing a not connected user’s profile. 

  • Clicking "Cancel" on Enter Password field from the change email will now close the pop-up. 

  • Fixed UI issues in RED Banners. It will now show “Get more Connections!” instead of “Expand your network”.

  • Sharing media using the “Photo/Media” button on the wall should now work as expected. 

  • Fixed UI issues on the RED Pitch page. It will now show  “Upgrade to Red” instead of “Upgrade To Red”.


  • Fixed issue with reassigning leads in Teams. Users can now reassign leads without the need to logout and try again. 

  • Cancellation button in Subscription Settings should now work as expected. Pending cancellation message will now be shown, the support team will also now receive a ticket regarding the cancellation. 

  • Fixed a UI issue in the unfollow modal when unfollowing a user, name of the user will now be displayed consistently. 

  • “Now following you” in app notifications will now redirect the user to the profile page of the user who followed them instead of being routed to a blank page. 

  • US users should now be able to remove their Job Title and Company name.

  • Fixed the “null” issue when no data was entered in user’s Job Title and Company Name.

  • Member/connections should now be displayed when reassigning leads in CRM.

  • Follow button should now be visible on Ask posts. 

  • Fixed SetHello on/off settings, it will no longer automatically turn off when the user goes outside the settings tab. 

  • Corrected the team badge showing on the user's public profile. 

  • Clicking on “Resubscribe” will now route the user to the RED pitch page.

  • Follow option will now show up in the three-dot menu in user’s profile.

  • In-app notifications for follow and connection requests will now route to the user's profile page when clicked. 

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