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Advice For Pros · February 28, 2022 · AUTHOR: Alan Perez

What Does Team Management Look Like in 2022?

Remote Team Management is a group management approach by which a team or group of people are employed predominantly at a distance from each other. When the team members are working based on their schedules and locations, it plays a vital role in the success of any business organization. 

As we all know by now, the COVID pandemic has forced many businesses to go remote. It can be a difficult transition for some companies, as remote work requires more discipline and self-organization. But with the right tools in place, a remote team can be just as effective as a team in the same office.

This article will review strategies and suggestions for managing a remote team effectively. We will also talk about some of the advantages of remote work, and how to overcome any challenges that may arise.

What is remote team management?

Remote team management is the management of a team whose members are not physically located in the same place. Members may work from home, travel for work, or be based in different local offices. They may even be located in separate countries.


Effective Remote Team Management: 5 Rules to Follow

The coronavirus pandemic has forced many businesses to embrace remote working. It is likely to continue long after COVID-19 has passed for the majority of businesses due to the benefits that the employer and employee can both take advantage of. Since remote work is not going anywhere anytime soon, managers will have to rethink their approach to people management and find new ways of getting the best out of their team.

It is no secret that remote team management can be complex, but with the right approach, remote teams can become more productive and efficient than their in-person counterparts. Here are five simple rules to follow to optimize your remote team management:

  1. Create a culture of trust by always being transparent about company goals and expectations.
  2. Provide feedback frequently and consistently to your team members on their performance.
  3. Provide clear instructions and guidelines on tasks that need to be accomplished.
  4. Be mindful of time zones when scheduling meetings or conference calls.
  5. set boundaries for when you are available for communication with your team members.

1) Creating a culture of trust

One of the most important things to remember when managing a remote team is to create a culture of trust. To do this, always be transparent about company goals and expectations. You want your team to feel like they are an essential part of the business, so allow them to share their input on the direction the company is taking.

2) Giving feedback

It's essential to communicate with your team, starting from day one. It’s best to be clear about company goals and expectations regarding team performance. Feedback needs to be given frequently and consistently so that your team knows what is expected of them, it's not enough to give feedback once – give feedback regularly! 

3) Providing clear instructions and guidelines

One way to optimize your team's productivity is to provide clear instructions and guidelines on the tasks that need to be accomplished. Allowing team members to work remotely doesn't mean they don't need clear expectations on their tasks.

You'll want to create a list of guidelines outlining what needs to be done, why it's important, who should do it, and when to complete it. For example, if you have a business page on Facebook that needs content posted daily, you might create a guideline with the information noted above. It will give your employees complete transparency on their tasks and what they need to do to succeed.

4) Being mindful of time zones

The team manager must remember that your team members may be from different time zones. It can make it difficult for you to have regular communication with them. It is a good idea to set boundaries for when you are available for communication with your team members to avoid confusion about when you will respond.

For example, if you are in the Eastern Standard Time zone, you may want to set your availability between 9–5 pm EST each day. This way, if someone from your team has a question or needs to get in touch with you outside of those hours, they will know not to expect an immediate answer.

5) Setting boundaries

Many people use email, texts, and instant messaging throughout the day, leaving little time for themselves. Setting boundaries is essential to keep your team productive and focused. You should set a specific time of the day when you are available for communication. That will be different for everyone, but it should be a good mix of working and non-work hours. For example, if you work from 8 am to 4 pm EST on weekdays, your non-work hours could be from 9 pm EST to 8 am EST.

Setting boundaries will help your team members know when they can communicate with you, which allows them to plan their day accordingly. It also helps you stay focused on your work during working hours without distractions or interruptions.

Benefits of using remote team management:

Remote team management can help save your time and money as you don't have to move around or search for an office space. A remote team is cost-effective, saving you from traffic and fuel expenses, which enables you to hire top talent from across the globe and lets you work at a flexible schedule.


Here are some of the critical benefits of hiring a remote team:

  • Easier recruitment process
  • Improved productivity
  • Increased work-life balance
  • Reduced overhead
  • More cost-effective for startups and small businesses
  • Attracts top talent
  • Happier employees

The challenges of managing a remote team post-COVID

Managing a remote team can be tricky, especially if you haven't had much experience in this area before. It is easy for misunderstandings to occur when teams are not communicating face-to-face daily. So managers need to find ways of overcoming these obstacles.

Some of the most common issues include:

  • Difficulty keeping track of who is working on what and their progress in each project
  • Difficulty engaging with staff as there are fewer opportunities for casual conversations about work-related topics
  • Lack of visibility over team members' workloads and how they are coping
  • Teams may feel isolated from one another, impacting collaboration and overall productivity.


Final Thought

As more and more businesses operate remotely in response to the COVID pandemic, the challenge of effective team management becomes even more important. 

The pandemic has forced more and more businesses to work remotely. If you're new to the concept, or if you're struggling to make it work, this post is for you. We'll walk you through the basics of how to manage a remote team in future articles. 


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