SkillSET Blog
Advice For Pros · January 31, 2022 · AUTHOR: Richard Tate

Steps to Take when Starting as an Agent in 2022

Real estate agents are expected to know all the answers, but starting out, you may not have them. Your first source of help will be the brokerage you join. Look for one that offers ongoing training, a good support system, a mentoring program, quality support tools, and a proven conversion process. Don’t be afraid to ask for help figuring out what goals you should be setting, transaction details, recommendations for CRMs, branding, or anything else you may be struggling with. You can also join a peer or mastermind group to help you when you run into trouble. 

A large part of building a successful business happens behind the scenes. Your clients will never know what CRM you use and won’t care who hosts your website, but choosing the right company now can save you a lot of time later. Try not to focus on short-term goals and think about how your business will grow. Search for options that can scale with your business so that five, ten, or even 15 years from now, your tools will still fit your business needs. 

The two biggest reasons most new agents don’t succeed are the lack of quality leads and poor lead conversions. Make sure you have at least three or four lead sources set up as a failsafe. If a lead isn’t ready to buy or sell at the moment, do not forget to use your CRM to keep in touch. You should eventually be able to start converting many of them.

The best way to build and maintain customer relationships is by listening to every client’s individual needs. Agents who focus too much time worrying about their financial gains cannot discern what their client wants. Remember that being a real estate agent is less of a salesman and more of a guide — a mentor or counselor who helps people through one of the most exciting (and usually overwhelming) experiences of their lives. 

A successful real estate agent will have a jam-packed schedule at all times. Still, that’s no excuse for forgoing to build customer relationships. You need to go the extra mile every time and with every transaction. Late nights and grueling hours should become the norm, not the exception, at least for a little while. Nobody ever said it would be easy to realize a higher level of success. It shouldn’t matter if you are selling a home for $200,000 or $20 million; your attitude should be the same with every client.

As real estate, technology, and the market change, your strategy should as well. Find ways to keep up with the latest news and trends and incorporate them into your business. Reading blogs and articles, watching webinars, and listening to podcasts is a great way to do this.

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